Friday, May 11, 2012


    I love reading magazines. Its mid way from heavy books to daily newspaper, covers vast topics in shorter version.
    As a child used to read the kids' magazines, then at teenage started reading the local weekly magazines for stories and some ntersting facts they used print , just to show off in front of friends.. and yes it worked well, most of them didnot have access to magazines, as parents were either not so interested or they used to read at work, others would just ignore the magazine as some other paper binding as daily news paper! As for me, i liked the witty humor in some magazines, story series in few and travel photography in other.. It definitely nourished my interest in reading. i was never choosy about subjects or types of magazines i used to read daily affair magazines, travel, spiritual, general knowledge and literature too.
     I remember when i was in school, once an uncle had given us some old National geographic issue with huge monkey -gorilla- on the cover.. and had information about animals.. I saw the magazine hundreds of times.. back then i could not understand English in the magazines. but i felt like we are so lucky to have such a great magazine- which appears on TV! when I left home for studies, so do the weekly magazines..Till this time india today was the most profiled magazine for me.. Now college introduced me some renowned magazines like national geographic, sky and telescope, computer world n all.. Now as I got more time to spend, reading the Time magazine, and vogue..

     Magazines have different style of narrating and more general views from all over the world, according to the current happening throughout the globe. And different section like art and culture, brief facts, entertainment, sometimes puzzles n crosswords et al makes it fun package.
     This will evolve as the time pass by.. but definitely magazines will remain favorite.

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